Tecno Fridge & Freezer Defrost Heater
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You are looking at our Tecno Fridge & Freezer Defrost Heater spare parts in our Tecno Fridge & Freezer Spare Parts range.
Model number search results will show the correct Fridge & Freezer Spare Parts and accessories for your Tecno Fridge & Freezer .
We always recommend searching for your Tecno model number.
If you have a problem with your Tecno appliance, it's cheaper to repair than replace.
Model number search results will show the correct Fridge & Freezer Spare Parts and accessories for your Tecno Fridge & Freezer .
We always recommend searching for your Tecno model number.
If you have a problem with your Tecno appliance, it's cheaper to repair than replace.
We have found 1 products to show, relevant products may be in another category. Remember, it is always best to search by your model number to find the correct parts for your appliance.
Defrosting Heater - 32012612 Fin Evap Heater-366(220v 154w) [Vestel]
Genuine Original Part
32012612 Fin Evap Heater-366(220v,154w) (replaces: #m195604 M6532012612 Fin Evap Heater-366 (220v, 154w)) more info
£23.96 In Stock
Stock Code: ES179365